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Lottie and Ellie are back! Return to Rosewood Hall with your two favourite princesses in the sequel to Undercover Princess!----------As they return to Rosewood after the dramatic events of their first year, Lottie and Ellie are hoping for a peaceful term. But strange things are happening at Rosewood. Pupils are being poisoned.Is the threat of secret organisation Leviathan growing closer? Lottie and Ellie are determined to find the culprit; but danger could be closer than they think... ----------Praise for Undercover Princess:'With a fake princess, a rogue royal and fairytale twists aplenty, this is the start of a fun new series' - The Sun'Once Upon A Time fans will love this new book' - Buzzfeed 'The book is a great example of friendship and bravery' - First News 'A fun blend of school story, adventure and mystery' - Week Junior