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In the third book in the Rosewood Chronicles return to a world that effortlessly combines the charm of The Princess Diaries and the immersive magic of Harry Potter. Ellie is a rebellious princess hiding her real identity. Lottie is her Portman, acting as the princess for the public to shield Ellie from scrutiny.Jamie is Ellie's Partizan, a lifelong bodyguard sworn to protect the princess at any cost. Together they are attempting to stay safe from Leviathan, a group determined to take the princess for unknown reasons. When Leviathan force them to travel to their beloved Rosewood Hall's sister school in Japan, the threesome find that nowhere is beyond Leviathan's long reach.The only solace they find is a secret band of students called Banshee who are fighting against the evil organisation's hold. But when long-buried secrets are uncovered, the lives of Lottie, Ellie and Jamie will never be the same again...