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Filled with gorgeous illustrations and concept art from the hit Netflix series, The Art and Making of Arcane is an immersive journey behind the scenes of the Emmy Award-winning Animated Series!
The Art and Making of Arcane takes readers through the visual journey of Riot Games' and Fortiche's revolutionary animated series. Featuring early art styles, evolving character designs, and jaw-dropping worldbuilding artwork, this volume is the definitive compendium of Arcane's creative process and vision.
Arcane and League of Legends fans alike will be amazed by the visual development of fan-favorite champions, the breathtaking cityscapes of Piltover and Zaun, and the riveting inventions of hextech and Shimmer.This book includes early designs showing how characters evolved visually, gorgeous vistas of sprawling background and setting art, and interviews with over 20 key animators, writers, directors, artists, game designers, musicians, and other creators.