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"You'll read this. Then you'll hope your competition isn't reading this. It's that good". (Stephen P. Anderson, Author of Seductive Interaction Design Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest).
These are more than just products, they are habits - apps we turn to without thinking. How? Why? And what can we learn from them? Hooked unlocks consumer psychologies and reveals the 'Hook Model' - a four-step process of how to make products that people just can't put down.
Based on years of research, consulting and practical experience, serial entrepreneur Nir Eyal provides actionable steps for building products people love; unpacks the behavioural techniques used by the most successful habit-forming products; and gives practical insights to create user habits that stick. Written for product managers, designers, marketers, startup founders and people eager to learn more about the things that control our behavior, Hooked is a blueprint for making products that will bring users back repeatedly - without costly advertising or aggressive messaging.
"Nir's work is an essential crib sheet for any startup looking to understand user psychology". (Dave McClure, Founder 500 Startups).
Nir Eyal spent years in the video gaming and advertising industries where he learned, applied and sometimes rejected the key techniques to motivate and influence users. He is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and Fortune 500 companies, and has taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Design School and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. He has sold two technology companies since 2003 and has written for the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today.