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Greatly improved Komodo Dragon 3.2 EngineThe new Komodo Dragon 3.2 engine has gained about 20 Elo points over version 3.0 and more than 100 Elo points over version 2.0 when using a processor core in blitz. That's a huge improvement for a program that already reached at an Elo level of over 3500! The gain is even greater (120 to 130 Elo points) for unbalanced openings, e.g. rare variations or gambits. On multiple cores or longer time controls the Elo gain can be somewhat smaller, due to the higher draw range.Better playing strength = faster analysisThe absolute gain in playing strength also offers real practical advantages: Komodo Dragon 3.2 takes only abouta quarter of the time to play or analyze at the same level as Dragon 2! Or it plays better chess in the sametime on a single core than its predecessor did on four cores. The large Elo increase is due to a new net structurefor NNUE with a corresponding new net, as well as various optimizations and improvements in the search.One for all: Playing strength freely selectable between Elo 1 and 3500The previous playing level scheme model has been replaced in Komodo Dragon 3.2 with arbitrarily adjustable Elostrength settings from 1 to a maximum of 3500. The Elo values refer to human play in rapid chess and are canbe used to ensure balanced games. With reduced playing strength the engine makes the kind of mistakes thatare to be expected from humans with rating level that is set. The Elo settings of Komodo Dragon 3.2 have beentested and tuned against many human players, of various playing strengths. It was optimized in the GM levelin many rapid chess games against GM Alex Lenderman, who is part of the Komodo development team.Includes current Fritz 18 program interface and six months ChessBase Premium AccountSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum: PPC Core i3 or i5 / AMD FX or Ryzen 3, 2 GB RAM,Windows 8/8.1 64Bit, DirectX9, graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows MediaPlayer 11 and Internet access. Recommended: PC Core i7, i9 or AMD FX, Ryzen 7/9 and Windows10 or 11 (64-Bit), 4 GB RAM, DirectX10, graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more, Windows MediaPlayer 11, DVD ROM drive and Internet access.For ChessBase ACCOUNT:Internet access and latest browser, e.g. Chrome, Safari. Runs on Windows, OS X, iOS, Android and Linux.