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In his global bestseller Influence, Professor Robert Cialdini transformed the way we think about the craft of persuasion.
Now he offers revelatory new insights into the art of winning people over: it isn't just what we say or how we say it that counts, but also what goes on in the moments before we speak. This is the world of `pre-suasion', where subtle turns of phrase, seemingly insignificant visual cues, and apparently unimportant details of location can prime people to say `yes' even before they are asked. And as Cialdini reveals, it's a world you can master.
If you understand the tools of pre-suasion, you will better placed to win a debate, get support for an idea or cause, promote a campaign - even persuade yourself to do something you find difficult.
Drawing on the latest research, and packed with fascinating case studies, Pre-Suasion is a masterclass in enhancing your powers of influence.